The success rate of IVF

In Vitro Fertilisation or IVF  is the process by which fertilization of the egg by sperm occurs outside the body. IVF is a prominent treatment for infertility and is recommended when other techniques of assisted reproductive technology have failed to produce the desired results.

The success rate of IVF

The success rate of this treatment depends on your age and the specific condition you are trying to treat.  However, as you age, the likelihood of success is comparatively less.

Is IVF painful?

In general, there is no significant pain involved in IVF treatments. The injections used to stimulate the ovaries may be uncomfortable, but they are similar to other common injectable treatments.

The embryo transfer procedure is painless. During this procedure, ultrasound guidance is sought to ensure the precise placement of the embryos. Our experienced IVF specialists prioritize your comfort throughout the entire IVF cycle, taking special care to minimize any discomfort or pain you may experience.

However individual experiences can vary and only a doctor can provide you with the right information based on specific conditions.

The information provided here is only general information. It is not intended to be a substitute for expert medical guidance. Always consult your doctor for advice and the right information for specific conditions.