Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is usually the first fertility treatment option considered before more invasive procedures like In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). IUI is a much simpler and less expensive procedure compared to IVF.

It is a fertility treatment that increases the likelihood of sperm successfully fertilizing an egg. It has the potential to improve pregnancy chances for some couples and individuals.

 During IUI, sperm are washed and fortified before being inserted into the uterus. This procedure is carried out near the time of ovulation. Placing sperm directly in the uterus increases the chances of fertilization.

Is IUI Treatment Safe?

IUI is one of the widely recommended ART procedures for women with uterus-related issues. It is a natural procedure that only assists the ovum’s (egg’s) natural fertilization by manually injecting the sperm. Hence, there are no added risks or complications. Hence, it can be said that IUI treatment is just as risk-free as a regular pregnancy.

The success rate of IUI

Success rates for IUI treatments might vary based on a variety of individual conditions. Age, particular infertility problems, the use of fertility drugs, sperm motility, and any pre-existing medical illnesses are some of the conditions. However, the average success rate of an IUI treatment is 20% to 26% which is considered to be a good rate.

IS IUI Painful?

Since IUI treatment is non-invasive, no tissues are invaded during the procedure. Consequently, you won’t feel any pain. However, the catheter being put into the uterus may cause you to feel some moderate discomfort.

The information provided here is only general information. It is not intended to be a substitute for expert medical guidance. Always consult your doctor for advice and the right information for specific conditions.

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