Embryo Cryopreservation or  Embryo freezing, is a  technique that involves carefully selecting, freezing, and preserving embryos for future use.It is a key element of in vitro fertilization (IVF), where embryos formed by combining eggs and sperm in the laboratory are preserved for future use. It enables fertility preservation in cases like cancer treatment that may affect fertility.

Common scenarios in which individuals and couples go for embryo freezing.
  • As women age, the quality and quantity of their eggs may decline. With embryo freezing, couples can preserve their healthy embryos when the female partner is at a more fertile age. They can use it for successful pregnancy later in life.
  •  If a male partner plans to undergo, the couple  may select embryo freezing as a means to preserve their fertility 
  •  Embryo freezing offers cancer patients the platform to preserve their fertility before undergoing treatments like chemotherapy that may negatively affect their reproductive abilities.

The information provided here is only general information. It is not intended to be a substitute for expert medical guidance. Always consult your doctor for advice and the right information for specific conditions.

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